I don't know about you, but I am really getting tired of this gun scare-- the federal government is pushing so hard on this one issue, like they always do. They usually end up moving forward a bit but never get as far as they want... Next they'll come after the home-schoolers and families (again). Anyone who doesn't believe they have a socialist agenda is either really dull or simply chooses to look away, either way, it's their responsibility. It's very sad to see the world I grew up in slowly crumble, I know my children will not grow up in the same world and hurts my heart. But we still have so much to look forward to. With this gun push the conservative states are taking a stand simply telling D.C. that we will not follow unconstitutional laws anymore, and the liberal states are handing over their freedoms because they think it will make them more "safe" and make America more "peaceful". Well, it didn't really work for the Jewish people of Germany did it? They complied and then were mass murdered by their leaders... Let's not be so naive America-- people are evil and want power and money, simple as that, and with leaders who have no moral ground or obligation that's what will flourish....evil. So, maybe, just maybe the United States of America will fall, but the continent won't fall apart, maybe we'll have what the South wanted during the Civil War, freedom from a federal government and just a government that governs just the State, then people can pick and choose what laws they want to live by... Interesting thought. Anyways, Lucas and I aren't worried at this point-- we are staying alert and informed but we are not shaking in our boots...we still have a lot of ground to walk on and we definitely live in one of the best states in America! Go Idaho! We will be one of the last states standing! God sees all and is in control, ALWAYS! They can't take our freedoms if we don't give them up! And to end with my husband's favorite saying, "Molon Labe" : Come and take them!
Ahhh...life is moving quickly, it's hard to keep up sometimes. Malcolm is growing like a weed, he'll be nine months on the 19th! And another little one is in the making...whoops! Spilled the beans =) Yes, I am pregnant! I'm about 6 weeks along and my due date is somewhere in mid-October (I think). It's very exciting. We were hoping to move so we could have some more space, as we are in a one bedroom, basement apartment-- but I don't think that's going to happen right away, we need to stay put for a bit; we just got out of debt and we don't need a rent that's almost twice as much as ours now, that would be very taxing on us again and we just got some wiggle room! God is good, and we still have A LOT to be thankful for in this hobbit hole of ours =) Well, this week on the agenda we have: grocery shopping, cleaning (always!), a potluck dinner with friends, a rehearsal dinner and wedding... those are a few of the big ones. So, I know this post doesn't shout excitement, nor does it have a hidden message, it was just about our daily lives... Hope I didn't bore you too badly! My next one should be better! Have a blessed and joy filled day!