Friday, March 4, 2011

The Beginning

So, this being my first post I should probably explain the name and why I've started it; cliche`, I know, but it's a good way to start things out.
I started this blog because I do enjoy writing, and I can process through things better than just thinking thoughts in my head, writing/typing my thoughts makes the process go WAY faster! I'm not stating that I'm am any good at this writing thing, but one of my friends said I should start a blog; I had been toying with the idea of starting one for months now and she tilted me over the edge. So, here I am, writing my first blog =)
Now on to the name... I admit, it's not a very good name, I may change it in the future, but Coffee & Confessions to me is: Coffee is a drink most people have while thinking on/over a topic or issue, and we drink it while having a deep or light conversation with someone; it fits nearly every situation when it comes to interacting or pensiveness. Now, the Confession part of it is, the things rolling around in my head: confessions, ideas, retorical thinking, statements, revelations, etc...
I hope to NOT make this blog my diary, I am hoping it becomes an outlet to me-- I usually like writing about a theological topic that I need to finish thinking about, or an idea or statement that I think should be shared with others-- God gave us these amazing minds and if we are filled with the Spirit then I think God would want us to tell the world our ideas and musings.
Hopefully this will be more of a tool for me and you than anything else =) Until my first official blog, Sola Deo Gloria!! (To God alone the Glory!)

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