Sunday, October 2, 2011

On-Time vs. Time-On

So, time literally got away from me! A small update: in June my husband and I moved to a small apartment in the same town and then went on a mission trip to Tijuana,MX-- we built a small house (something like a shed to us) for a family through Amor Ministries. The mission was a success. We came back to a very messy, new apartment but we slowly got it put together! Then soon after that we found out I was pregnant-- unfortunately I had a miscarriage at about nine weeks into the pregnancy =( It was a hard and painful process but we got through it and God is good. There is so much we can't see and understand, we completely trust Him with this situation and joyfully wait to meet our little one someday in the Kingdom.  Then my Father-in-law finished his second homeschool cirriculum, this one on Chemistry (see So, time as truly gotten away from me since the last time I wrote!

On more of a personal note: In mid-August I found out I had a gluten-intolerance! It blew me away at first because I thought I would only be able to eat fruits and veggies the rest of my life, but then soon came to find out that there are tons of gluten-free foods, you just have to know where to look and what to look for! I've had a lot of support and help from friends and family while going cold-turkey off gluten and learning how to rebuild my kitchen's ingredients! Also, I have started a study by Nancy Cambell called The Family Meal Table & Hospitality. It scriptually shows us (women) the importance of the dinner table. It goes into detail about what kind of food we should be serving our families. It is going to take me awhile to finish, it's quite a thorough study, but it will be well worth my time =)

Along with all those big events I mentioned, we've been spending time with friends and family as much as we can. Our work schedules have been off kilter for some time now. We don't usually have even two days of together anymore =( So, it's been hard to have a regular schedule together. Luckily, it will NOT be like this forever. Once I get pregnant again and/or we get all our debt paid off I am planning on leaving the work place and staying home to be a full time wife and mommy! Lord willing, I won't have to wait too terribly long! Oooooh, God has been so good to us. He's always provided for us; we always have food in the refridgerator and cupboards, we have a roof over our heads (and some friends as well! ;P We live in a triplex!). We have clothes, two running (most of the time!) vehicles, a nice bed, running water, blankets, internet, books, and a fish! How awesome is that?! I can't even fathom why He would be so kind to us.. I am definitely not the most disciplined follwer of Christ. Then again, He never said that I had to be the best to recieve blessings. . Blessed are we!

Lately, I've been meditating on a familiar hymn: 'How Deep the Father's Love For Us'. I never liked hymns much--my childhood was rather limited on the times I ever heard them. This hymn has been coming to me while doing daily things: washing the dishes, driving, while I'm at work, checking my e-mail, etc. And most times it makes me stop and ponder our Savior; so quickly I forget everything He has done for me. I forget the huge sacrifice He endured so that I may live in harmony with Him. I forget how amazing it truly was and what He had to go through so that I could be with Him. It's incomparable, really. What an amazing and inconceivable love the Father has and shares with us.

I hope my next entry will be back on track towards my original intention--or maybe it's going to take a turn for a different theme! We'll see!
Thanks for your time!

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